exam results

The official Examination Score Reports are issued in China and sent to Athens Business Confucius Institute 50 days after the test date. When we receive the certificates, a relevant announcement will be uploaded on our website (Exam Announcements). Your Examination Score Reports will be kept at the Business Confucius Institute in Athens for up to 2 years after the test date.

We inform our website and social media accounts when the certificates are ready to be picked up. 

Examination Score Reports pick-up hours: 10.00 – 14.00 (Monday to Friday) 

Address: 29 Evelpidon str., GR-11362 Athens, 5th floor

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29, Evelpidon str. GR-11362, Athens Greece (5th Floor) - Offices and Classrooms

46 Kefallinias str., GR-11251 Athens (1st Floor) - Classrooms

Phone: +30 210 8226 735
Email: confucius@aueb.gr

© 2020 Business Confucius Institute Athens