At the end of each academic year, students at the Business Confucius Institute of Athens can give feedback on courses for which they registered. The aim of collecting feedback on Chinese language courses is to improve teaching. The formulation of statements in the questionnaire enables the teaching and administrative staff to draw conclusions about the good sides of the course and understand which aspects of the students’ teaching and learning process were not satisfied.

This questionnaire provides a channel for you to air your opinions on courses, teaching and learning. The objectives of the Chinese language course assessment [Chinese Language Course Feedback Questionnaire (CLCFQ)] are:

  1. to provide teaching staff with student feedback on the teaching and learning effectiveness of Chinese language course so that improvement on teaching and learning quality can be made; and
  2. to serve as an indicative assessment of the teaching effectiveness of individual teaching staff.

The Business Confucius Institute of Athens values feedback from students on their learning experience so that quality and the delivery of the programmes can be continuously enhanced. The creation and use of systems, processes, and channels of effective communication (e.g., course feedback questionnaire (CLCFQ), staff-student consultation meetings, mentoring sessions, etc.) enable students to provide feedback on their learning experience.

The CLCFQ comprises three parts: I) Quality of Teaching, II) Reflection on Learning, and III) Self-Evaluation/General Information.

Questions are asked about the course organization, the teaching method, the instructor, and your participation. The questionnaire consists mostly of closed-ended questions that allow the responder to choose only one of a predefined set of multiple-choice options, using a 5-point Likert scale.  When responding to a Likert questionnaire item, respondents specify their level of agreement or disagreement on a symmetric agree-disagree scale for a series of statements. Thus, the range captures the intensity of their feelings for a given item. If the curriculum does not enable to assess some statements, the variant “No opinion” can be chosen.

Questions are asked about the clarity and adequacy of the course organisation, the diversity of teaching methods and creating opportunities for discussion, about giving feedback and assessment. Conclusively, learners can assess if the course was valuable for them.

The CLCFQ is only conducted online. Teachers are encouraged to remind their students to submit the CLCFQ during the last three weeks of the academic year. Students will receive an automated email notification on the start date of the evaluation period and email reminders throughout the survey period.


While data collected in Part I are accessible to Heads/Deans, student learning data as collected in Part II of the CLCFQ are to be returned only to the respective teachers. Aggregated Part II data for all courses are to be presented to the respective Heads and Deans for monitoring purposes. The summary CLCFQ results are also released to the Director of the ABCI Office. To uphold the principle of anonymity, only summary statistics are provided while the course codes and instructor names are masked.


The results of the Chinese language course feedback questionnaires are used by

  • the teaching staff to improve the quality of teaching of their courses,
  • programme directors and programme councils for internal assessment and development of curricula,
  • heads of the academic structural units for assessing the proficiency of staff members’ work, including the assessment of their appropriateness for teaching or research staff posts, at development interviews, progress reviews, planning of staff members’ continuing education and for acknowledgement of staff members.



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