Saturday, 17 December 2016 00:00

Business Confucius Institute of Athens and the Greek film company co-produce a micro-film


希腊当地时间2016年12月17日,雅典商务孔子学院公派教师黄豪参演的希腊电影在雅典举行了首映式。这部希腊本土电影名为《圣诞节无童话 Christmas Anti-tale 》,全片讲述了在困难面前人性的斗争以及用爱去拯救世界的故事。黄豪老师在该片中扮演一位科学家,与来自其他国家的同行进行争锋相对的谈判。这次跨界合作是希腊电影公司与雅典商务孔子学院的第一次,是雅典商务孔院与希腊本土文化传媒公司合作的新尝试,既有利于扩大雅典商务孔子学院在希腊的影响力,又为中希文化交流做出了贡献。

Business Confucius Institute of Athens and the Greek film company co-produce a micro-film

Greek local time on December 17, 2016, the premiere of a Greek film that the teacher Huang Hao, from Business Confucius Institute of Athens participated in was held in Athens. This Greek native film, called "Christmas Anti-tale ", tells the story of human struggle while facing difficulties and love to save the world. Huang Hao plays the role of a scientist, and had a swordplay with peers from other countries. The first collaboration between the Greek film company and BCI is a new attempt by the Business Confucius Institute of Athens and the Greek local media agency that will not only help expand the influence of the Confucius Institute in Athens, but also make contributions to the Sino-Greek cultural communications.

BCI Activities6
(the picture is an act by teacher Huang Hao as a scientist in the micro-film "Christmas Anti-tale".)




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