Sunday, 23 October 2016 00:00

Humanitarian Aid for Refugees in Greece



Humanitarian Aid for Refugees in Greece

During the Spring Festival in 2016, the Business Confucius Institute in Athens organized teachers and volunteers, together with the Greek Chinese, to form a Chinese volunteer team on Lesvos Island, Greece, and to offer humanitarian aid for refugees. The BCI volunteer team cooperated with other 84 volunteer teams from other countries to help the refugees who smuggled from Turkey to Greece. BCI volunteers also went to Moria refugee camp to help cleaning. This event has made a very important international influence and has established a good international image of Confucius Institute. The action was reported by the CCTV, Xinhua and many other Chinese and foreign media.

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(BCI Volunteer team on Lesvos Island)


Sunday, 09 October 2016 00:00

Commemorating Confucius 2567th anniversary


为纪念孔子诞辰2567周年,希腊当地时间10月9日中午,希腊雅典商务孔子学院举办了“和而不同”大型主题文化活动,中国武术、京剧国粹、中医针灸……一系列极具中国特色表演被搬上舞台。中国驻希腊使馆政务参赞高文棋、文化专员张展、雅典孔院中方院长祖利军教授、希方院长Dimitris Kardaras博士和孔院师生、驻希中资企业、旅希侨界代表及中希各界友好人士200余人出席了活动。

Commemorating Confucius 2567th anniversary and “harmony in diversity” cultural activities successfully held

In order to commemorate the 2567 anniversary of the birth of Confucius, the Greek local time on October 9 at noon, the Business Confucius Institute of Athens held "harmony in diversity "cultural activities, Chinese martial arts, opera quintessence, Chinese acupuncture ... ... a series of great Chinese performances were put on the stage. Political Counselor of Chinese Embassy in Greece, Gao Wenqi, Cultural Commissioner Zhang Zhan, Prof. Zu Lijun and Dr. Dimitris Kardaras , Deans of the Business Confucius Institute of Athens , teachers and students of the Confucius Institute, representatives of Chinese-funded enterprises and Greek overseas Chinese people, more than 200 people from all walks attended the event.

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(This picture is fan dance by three volunteer teachers and two Greek students from the Confucius Institute of Athens)


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